Aktivitas Tamu

Petugas pelayanan tamu kami berada di lobby, siap membantu Anda dengan kegiatan - kegiatan santai untuk memastikan bahwa Anda mendapatkan pengalaman yang paling menyenangkan selama Anda tinggal di Prime Plaza Hotel Purwakarta. Berbagai macam kegiatan dapat diatur untuk kegembiraan dan kesenangan.

Berenang, bermain tennis, bola voli, basket 3 lawan 3, tenis meja, berseda dan petualangan outbound merupakan beberapa kegiatan olahraga yang dapat Anda lakukan di hotel. Di halaman belakang hotel juga terdapat  kolam pancing yang juga menawarkan pengalaman yang berbeda.

Untuk menikmati daerah wisata di Jawa Barat, petugas kami siap untuk memberikan petunjuk mengenai tempat bermain golf berkelas internasional, arung jeram, tour dalam kota di Jakarta & Bandung, wisata di Purwakarta seperti Bendungan Jatiluhur, Air Mancur Taman Sri Baduga, Musium Diorama Bale Panyawangan, Gunung Parang dan pembuatan kerajinan keramik plered adalah pilihan yang bisa Anda coba.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut
t. +62 264 - 351 888
e. info@kbi.pphotels.com

Sari Ater Hot Springs

Ciater Hot Spring is a nice park with small pools in which we can sit or swim. The streams and pools are fed by warm mineral springs, which are created by the heat from nearby volcanoes. About 30 minutes from Tangkuban Perahu crater. Ciater is pretty little place in the middle of huge tea estate. Its main attraction is the Sari Ater Hot Spring Resort; the pools are probably the best of all the hot springs around Bandung. We can enjoy swimming in warm sulfurous water pools that can heal rheumatism and skin problems. Here we can swim in warm mineral water pools, good for healing skin problems. Ciater hot spring is one stop place for entertainment and relaxation. Ciater is located in Lembang, a green, lush place. The water contains iodium and sulfur, well for curing skin ailments and rheumatism. Equipped with tennis courts, restaurants, and camping area, Ciater is a good way to retreat from every day's life.

Ciater is another area with tea plantations and hot springs, eight km northeast of Tangkuban Perahu. The place also has a tea factory. Ciater is a good starting point for hiking, and has some accommodation.

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