Aktivitas Tamu

Petugas pelayanan tamu kami berada di lobby, siap membantu Anda dengan kegiatan - kegiatan santai untuk memastikan bahwa Anda mendapatkan pengalaman yang paling menyenangkan selama Anda tinggal di Prime Plaza Hotel Purwakarta. Berbagai macam kegiatan dapat diatur untuk kegembiraan dan kesenangan.

Berenang, bermain tennis, bola voli, basket 3 lawan 3, tenis meja, berseda dan petualangan outbound merupakan beberapa kegiatan olahraga yang dapat Anda lakukan di hotel. Di halaman belakang hotel juga terdapat  kolam pancing yang juga menawarkan pengalaman yang berbeda.

Untuk menikmati daerah wisata di Jawa Barat, petugas kami siap untuk memberikan petunjuk mengenai tempat bermain golf berkelas internasional, arung jeram, tour dalam kota di Jakarta & Bandung, wisata di Purwakarta seperti Bendungan Jatiluhur, Air Mancur Taman Sri Baduga, Musium Diorama Bale Panyawangan, Gunung Parang dan pembuatan kerajinan keramik plered adalah pilihan yang bisa Anda coba.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut
t. +62 264 - 351 888
e. info@kbi.pphotels.com

Parang Mountain

Located between the two main arms of the Jatiluhur Reservoir, this andesite mountain of volcanic rock shows three distinct peaks stretching some 1.5km from north to south, the highest of which is 963m above sea-level. Its 600m cliffs, offering hard rock and scant holds, make it a popular venue for recreational rock climbers.

Mount Parang is "The Park" or "The Mecca" of rock climbing in Indonesia. This mountain has become well-known in the world of Indonesia's rock climbing since 1980, and it is where climbing as a sport started in Indonesia. Any rock climber's list of ascents is regarded as incomplete if he has not tried climbing and creating a new route on Mount Parang, where climbing is different from that of other big walls around the world, since one is subjected to extremely hot and humid weather, rain, difficult rock, and a beautiful panoramic view. Mount Parang has three main peaks, better known as Tower 1, Tower 2 and Tower 3. 

The best climbing season is in the months from June to October.

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