Aktivitas Tamu
Petugas pelayanan tamu kami berada di lobby, siap membantu Anda dengan kegiatan - kegiatan santai untuk memastikan bahwa Anda mendapatkan pengalaman yang paling menyenangkan selama Anda tinggal di Prime Plaza Hotel Purwakarta. Berbagai macam kegiatan dapat diatur untuk kegembiraan dan kesenangan.
Berenang, bermain tennis, bola voli, basket 3 lawan 3, tenis meja, berseda dan petualangan outbound merupakan beberapa kegiatan olahraga yang dapat Anda lakukan di hotel. Di halaman belakang hotel juga terdapat kolam pancing yang juga menawarkan pengalaman yang berbeda.
Untuk menikmati daerah wisata di Jawa Barat, petugas kami siap untuk memberikan petunjuk mengenai tempat bermain golf berkelas internasional, arung jeram, tour dalam kota di Jakarta & Bandung, wisata di Purwakarta seperti Bendungan Jatiluhur, Air Mancur Taman Sri Baduga, Musium Diorama Bale Panyawangan, Gunung Parang dan pembuatan kerajinan keramik plered adalah pilihan yang bisa Anda coba.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut
t. +62 264 - 351 888
e. info@kbi.pphotels.com
Plered Ceramics Village
Plered is one of the districts in Purwakarta regency in West Java that also includes the old towns of Cirata, Gandasoli and Citalang. The history of Plered has always been associated with ceramics and dates back to the Neolithic period when people used to visit the Cirata area along the Citarum River. Archeological excavations around Cirata revealed artifacts that have included stones, square shaped axes, farming tools, clay pots and a panjunan (or ajun), a ceramics workshop.
The name Plered is attributed to several different sources. One dates back to the period of forced planting when the area was known for its coffee plantations. Local people had to transport coffee with small carts pulled by buffalo. The cart was called Palered and was made entirely from wood planks. This sturdy cart had to be sufficiently rugged to go through muddy roads. The transportation of coffee to Jatiluhur and Bandung was then followed by the use of rafts along the Citarum River to transport the coffee beans all the way to Tanjung Priok harbor in Jakarta.
Today there are about 264 home industries employing over 3,000 workers. Plered's ceramics have been exported to many countries including Japan, Australia, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States of America as well as various countries in South America and the Middle East.